Steven C. Moss Consulting| Services| Science & Engineering

Steven C. Moss Consulting is a new business of science and engineering Consulting Services.

Steven C. Moss Consulting


At Steven C. Moss Consulting, we consult for small businesses and corporate needs. We also provide consult with manufacturers, users, and others about devices, components, and materials that are used in radiation environments. We consult in the area of reliability of devices, components, and materials.  We also consult for systems engineering aspects of reliability and radiation effects.


Areas of expertise include:

Single Event Effects (SEE).

Laser and X-ray simulation of single radiation effects.

Radiation effects in materials and devices.

Microelectronic/optoelectronic device reliability.

Linear and nonlinear optical properties of materials.

Photodetectors and focal plane arrays.

Ultrafast phenomena

Speaking engagements and educational seminars

Want to experience high-quality and innovative scientific and engineering consulting services?

Speak with Steven!